World Geography
Course Expectations for World Geography:
Recommended for students in 7th-9th grade.
World Geography focuses on learning locations of countries, learning about the people in specific countries, and learning geographic skills and terminology. Specifically, we will use the five themes of geography: location (Where is it?), place (What is it like?), region (How are places similar or different?), movement (How do people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another?), and human-environment interaction (How do people relate to the physical world?).
Students study each continent and the countries within them. Special attention is concentrated on the continent of North America with a focus on our United States of America. Students will learn the 50 states and their capitols and where they are located. Maps are provided by the tutor. Student Power Point Presentations are a highlight in this class as we explore the most fascinating/historic places in the world! Students will report on Catholic Pilgrimage sites around the world as well.
Minimum Expectations:
Enrichment Suggestions:
ARCHES tutorial based classes are designed to supplement course work being done in home schools, thereby following the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in proclaiming parents as the primary educators of their children.
Fees (per semester):
Recommended for students in 7th-9th grade.
World Geography focuses on learning locations of countries, learning about the people in specific countries, and learning geographic skills and terminology. Specifically, we will use the five themes of geography: location (Where is it?), place (What is it like?), region (How are places similar or different?), movement (How do people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another?), and human-environment interaction (How do people relate to the physical world?).
Students study each continent and the countries within them. Special attention is concentrated on the continent of North America with a focus on our United States of America. Students will learn the 50 states and their capitols and where they are located. Maps are provided by the tutor. Student Power Point Presentations are a highlight in this class as we explore the most fascinating/historic places in the world! Students will report on Catholic Pilgrimage sites around the world as well.
Minimum Expectations:
- Parents will assume all responsibility for making sure reading assignments are done on time and that corresponding writing assignments (answering questions at the end of each lesson) are done using complete sentences.
- Additional assignments will be given each semester including research, writing about, and presenting information orally to the class on one country per continent excluding Antarctica and Australia. Completed assignments must be turned in on the deadlines given by the tutor.
- Parents must help their students and edit all writing assignments. Guidelines are given in the checklist for writing.
- Students will attend class regularly. Prior notice of all absences is required.
- Quizzes and tests are not an optional part of the class. Students will be quizzed/tested periodically on
- Students will take quizzes almost weekly on the locations of countries. We will focus on one continent at a time starting with several countries then adding more each week until we've masterd a continent.
- In order for this class to have full credit value, students should plan to take World Geography for the full year. It is highly recommended that parents provide additional related learning experiences outside of this class.
Enrichment Suggestions:
- Have maps and a globe available for use at home.
- When watching the news or reading the newspaper, take time to locate the countries mentioned in the news, on a map or globe.
- Practice map-reading as you travel.
- Watch and discuss documentaries related to what we are learning in class e.g. “The Search for Longitude” and A Man, A Plan, A Canal, A Panama,” usually available at a public library. You maneed to request.
- Read up on and discuss topics that come up in class, e.g. The St. Lawrence Seaway or The Suez Canal. When and how were they built and why are they important. Use encyclopedias, websites, or books for information.
ARCHES tutorial based classes are designed to supplement course work being done in home schools, thereby following the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in proclaiming parents as the primary educators of their children.
- Welcome to the Wonderful World of Geography: World Physical Geography by Brenda Brewer Runkle
Published by: Runkle Pub, Inc
ISBN: 0970111207
Fees (per semester):
- $30.00 Administrative payable to: ARCHES
- $125.00 Tuition payable to: