Life Science
Course Expectations for Life Science:
Recommended for students in 7th grade.
Science is an organized collection of knowledge about the world. Life science is part of your everyday life. The study of living things affects our life in many ways" (Life Science, p.14) Our studies will include anatomy, physiology, botany, zoology, microbiology, and ecology.
Minimum Expectations:
Enrichment Suggestions:
ARCHES tutorial-based classes are designed to supplement course work being done in home schools, thereby following the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in proclaiming parents as the primary educators of their children.
Prerequisite: Literature & Composition I, or ability to take lecture notes and write a two-page paper
Tutor: Debra Sivula
Recommended for students in 7th grade.
Science is an organized collection of knowledge about the world. Life science is part of your everyday life. The study of living things affects our life in many ways" (Life Science, p.14) Our studies will include anatomy, physiology, botany, zoology, microbiology, and ecology.
Minimum Expectations:
- Parents will be responsible for making sure reading assignments are completed on time.
- Parents will be requested to make sure their child has carefully outlined the chapter and must sign the student notebook for each chapter assigned.
- Parents will be requested to review and sign each completed laboratory study.
- Students must attend class regularly and participate in labs and discussion. Prior notice of all absences is required.
- Quizzes and tests will be administered to check comprehension of all topics covered.
- A lab fee will be charged to each student to cover the cost of equipment and supplies.
- Each student must have their own three ring notebook with loose leaf paper and textbook.
- Each student will be asked to bring items from home for some of the labs.
- Students will be instructed in safety procedures and will be held responsible for knowing and using all equipment and supplies.
- In order for this class to have full credit value, it is highly recommended that parents provide additional related learning experiences outside of this class.
Enrichment Suggestions:
- Visits to science museums
- Watch and discuss parent directed videos related to the living world
- Additional reading of articles from science magazines, newspapers and books
- Use of a timeline to relate and integrate discoveries and progress in science to other areas of study such as literature and history.
ARCHES tutorial-based classes are designed to supplement course work being done in home schools, thereby following the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in proclaiming parents as the primary educators of their children.
Prerequisite: Literature & Composition I, or ability to take lecture notes and write a two-page paper
- Concepts and Challenges in Life Science, Fourth Edition by Leonard Berstein and Martin Schachter
Published by: Globe Fearon Co
ISBN: 0-130-23857-0
- $30.00 Administrative payable to: ARCHES
- $30.00 Lab Fee payable to: ARCHES (Fall Semester Only)
- $250.00 per semester tuition payable to: Debra Sivula
Tutor: Debra Sivula