Intro to Acting
Course Expectations for Intro to Acting:
Recommended for students in grades 7-12.
Students will experience and explore theatre acting techniques and improvisation through fun theatre games and acting exercises designed to instill and develop the imagination. Students will also practice and participate in scene work and monologues, culminating in a final performance for their peers. There will be no papers, tests, or quizzes; however, students will be required to memorize scenes, monologues and keep up with their journal work.
Minimum Expectations:
• Class participation is essential as this is an applied performance class.
• Students will be graded on their participation through their performances and in-class and
out-of-class work based on the skill level of each child.
• Students will attend class regularly and are required to participate in the activities and
exercises. Prior notice of all absences is required.
Enrichment Suggestions:
• Additional practice at home on any skills covered in the previous week’s class
ARCHES tutorial-based classes are designed to supplement course work being done in home
schools, thereby following the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in proclaiming parents as
the primary educators of their children
Tutor: Kathleen Fritz
Recommended for students in grades 7-12.
Students will experience and explore theatre acting techniques and improvisation through fun theatre games and acting exercises designed to instill and develop the imagination. Students will also practice and participate in scene work and monologues, culminating in a final performance for their peers. There will be no papers, tests, or quizzes; however, students will be required to memorize scenes, monologues and keep up with their journal work.
Minimum Expectations:
• Class participation is essential as this is an applied performance class.
• Students will be graded on their participation through their performances and in-class and
out-of-class work based on the skill level of each child.
• Students will attend class regularly and are required to participate in the activities and
exercises. Prior notice of all absences is required.
Enrichment Suggestions:
• Additional practice at home on any skills covered in the previous week’s class
ARCHES tutorial-based classes are designed to supplement course work being done in home
schools, thereby following the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in proclaiming parents as
the primary educators of their children
- $30 Administrative fee payable to: ARCHES
- $15 Materials fee payable to: Kathleen Fritz
- $125 Tuition payable to: Kathleen Fritz
Tutor: Kathleen Fritz